Writing for writing

There’s something about not writing often enough that makes you feel like you need to quit writing. 

I have plenty of notes in my journal, prayers written that no one reads but God every day. And I’d rather hold onto that than any other kind of writing. The written prayers that name my fears and anxieties and hope and worship will always be a non negotiable for me as long as I’m able to write with a pen.

But here - on God’s great internet - it’s not as easy as it used to be. Or is it? Maybe it is, and I’m just clearly out of practice. 

I’m trying to figure out how to be a mom of four and do everything I want to do. (Answer - there are trade offs, and I cannot do it all, but I can choose my yeses and no’s wisely. Some days I do. Other days I don’t.)

One of the things I want to do is write. 

Write on my blog. Write in a blank journal. Write the story of my strange and wonderful childhood. Write about friendships. Write to write. Write because I’ve been so impacted by books and stories even just this year, that makes me think “wow, someone had to pick up a pen in order to me to have this beautiful broadened view of God and His world.”

I just don’t know where writing fits into everything else, and just like playing the piano or picking up my guitar - it gets edged out every day by meal creating (and aftermath clean up), by school preparation, by the laundry, a tantrum, an important conversation, a workout. All important things to just keep us functioning as a family, and me functioning as a human. 

Writing this out helps me understand that if I don’t just sit down and start playing the piano, in the midst of my children running around and my very long to do list, my house will stay quiet. And if I can squeeze in just one tiny blogpost, like this one, just to get me started again, it’s worth it. 10 minutes here. Clean up the kitchen. 5 minutes there. Pass out the popsicles.

I read Create Anyway (and had the privilege of interviewing the author Ashlee here), and creating beautiful art and a beautiful life is worth fighting for. July has been good for me to step back and see this. To make space for it.

I feel a little bit like I’m a baby mom in this area. But boy do I want to model this to my kids. A love of the arts, creating. 

Filling my home with the sound of piano.

Leading a song or two (nothing great - just basic cords) of worship on the guitar.

Getting my film camera back out and using it up on my kids.



How, Lord, do I do this? 

I think the answer is to keep it simple.

Which really isn’t so simple, after all.

One thing a week, maybe?

10 minutes here. Clean up the kitchen.

5 minutes there. Pass out popsicles. Again.

Is there anything big or small you want to be doing that you feel you don’t have time for?


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