10 Things for Postpartum
What is crazier : that I’m writing a blogpost for the first time in forever? (Cue the Frozen tune immediately in my head…) OR that I’m writing about my 5th postpartum experience?!
Definitely the latter - I never thought I’d be here! It’s hard to believe I have experienced the raw, tender, heavenly and hard postpartum experience 5 times now. And I’m not out of it - I’m currently 8 weeks postpartum with my 5th baby while writing this, and I have to say - so much has changed in the baby industry in the last 10 years, and yet so much of what is important during postpartum has not.
I want to point out a few things first:
You become a new mom all over again every time you have a baby - whether it’s your first or fifth.
You need just as much support - if not more - the more kids you have. (Which is ironic, because usually the most support comes with the first!)
Planning ahead for your postpartum weeks / the “4th trimester” will always, always serve you well.
I am so grateful to say that I have never felt more supported and loved than I have with my 5th baby.
I know that not everyone has the local family and community that I do - and I certainly do not take that for granted. But I also want to say that feeling so supported is, in part, because of some planning and prepping that happened while I was pregnant! Some of my pregnancies I’ve prepared for better than others, and I’ve learned a few things along the way. Also, my postpartum blues have varied from baby to baby, and this time, gratefully, they have been minimal. (When they’ve been high, it can easily feel like the world is crashing down around you, no matter how much support you have.) Just acknowledging some things that attribute to me feeling so supported this time around!
With that said, here are 10 things I have been loving this postpartum! Things that have served me and Winnie and our family in beautiful ways this time around.
Having a Meal Train - my friend Emily Thomas taught me a valuable lesson when I was pregnant with Benji. (She was pregnant with her 3rd at the same time as me - we were due 3 weeks apart.) She reached out to me and said, “Hey, will you create a Meal Train for me? And I’ll make one for you!” It showed me that I do not need to wait for someone to offer this to me. I can ask a friend to do it for me! (This is YOUR permission to simply ask a friend - will you set up a meal train for me?) So I asked her this time, “Emily, will you set up a Meal Train for me?” And she gladly said yes! IMHO, setting up a Meal Train and emailing it to as many people as possible is the best thing you can do before having a baby. We have reaped the benefits for 2 months now through fresh and frozen meals, and it has made everything 1000% easier for our family of 7.
My Nesting Party - In lieu of a baby shower, I decided to have a Nesting Party! My closest friends and family spend an entire afternoon deep cleaning my home and stocking my fridge and freezer. HOLY COW every woman should do this! It was amazing. (More on this to come!)
Red Light Therapy - I was influenced and totally bought a Lumebox. Let me just say - it has been so fascinating to learn about red light therapy! I have loved trying it for the first time and really believe it helped speed up my healing.
Hydration + Overnight snacks - Between my Stanley and my Hydrojug and these peanut butter balls (that were made and frozen for me at my nesting party - thanks Sam!) - I have really stayed hydrated and fueled. It’s important for me to have those things on my bedside table before going to sleep because those middle of the night feedings leave me feeling so hungry and thirsty! Also I aim to drink one LMNT a day.
Worship - My sister sent me the album Peace by Bethel Music and it was on repeat throughout my labor, along with Jess’ Matin series. I would play them on my favorite bluetooth speaker in the bedroom throughout the first few weeks after having Winnie to remind me of God’s faithfulness through labor and birth. They were SO beautiful.
Lactation Consultant / TOT (Tethered Oral Tissue) Specialist / Chiropractor - These were so helpful for my precious, fussy Winnie. If you have a fussy baby - there are people who can help! I’ve never taken a 3 week old baby to the chiropractor before but I’m so glad I’ve been taking Winnie.
On Moonberry Lake (a good book) - I got this book at a Christmas book exchange and my friend told me it was a wonderful novel that felt like a warm hug. It did! It was the perfect calming postpartum read - all about a woman who inherits a lake home and makes a new life for herself.
This bumper for co-sleeping - I have never co-slept… until Winnie! I’m telling ya - she’s teaching me all kinds of new things. We used the hiccapop bumper for our kids when they learned to sleep in their big beds and I stole it for myself. Perfect Co-sleeping bumper!
My Hatch Alarm Clock - I set it on a really low red setting when co sleeping and it helps me sleep well but also keep an eye on the baby. I also have another custom nursing setting when I want to sit up and feed her overnight. I love how customizable it is!
The Solly Wrap - I’ve worn this one for all 5 of my kids - there’s no better wrap for 0-3 months in my opinion!
I keep thinking of more things and I might just make a podcast out of this with a few more suggestions. But until then - I hope you enjoyed these!