September 2022 Goals
New goals, who dis? 🥴
But really it has been a HOT HOT minute since I have done a monthly goals post. And I’m not quite sure how to feel about it at the moment. But I’m going to give it a try.
(How’s that for starting three sentences with conjunctions? I digress.)
Here’s what I know. I have been in my feelings about a lot of things lately, and rightfully so. It’s been a challenging year of sickness, a year of adding a 4th kid to our tribe, and a year of not writing or working or creating much at all. I’ve felt a little bit lost, while feeling so very happy to be growing our family. Motherhood is something else, isn’t it?
When you feel lost, it’s hard to know where to start again. So I’m just going back to what feels like me: writing, taking pictures because I love to, and even writing down a few goals for this month. (If you didn’t know, this is something I did every. single. month. for years and years and years. I don’t think I missed a monthly goals blogpost for 8 years straight when the NRP blogpost was alive and well!) This blog is the perfect little house for those things.
I feel some fear doing this, as weird as that sounds. I used to do this all the time, and now… I just don’t. It’s easier to not have goals. It’s harder to set goals and then not reach them.
I’d also like to add that it’s been a much needed break for me, and there’s no rule that says you have to publish goals for them to be real. I’ve had plenty of goals that no one has seen or known about, and that has been very good for me in this season. I’ve also had months of not setting official goals, and that has been good for me, too.
But I remember the simple act of writing down what I wanted to do and sharing it on my blog, and how it held me to something. It made me stop and think, “what do I really want to do with this precious month.” Whether or not anyone ever read it, I knew I had put it out there, and I had thoughtfully curated my list, and I knew it really was something I wanted to do because only the most important things made it.
So, hey September! I’m gonna set my goals again and try it out here and see how this sits.
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it.”
This quote is perfect for me right now, not because I want to take action on my goals (which I do), or take action in some grandiose way, but because I’m afraid of writing and sharing them. The simple act of writing will hopefully breed a bit more confidence and courage in me.
Blog once a week
Start our Christmas shopping list and budget
Choose 5 go-to fall outfits
Implement theme hours for my 1 work day (household, deep work, emails + communication, spiritual growth, etc)
Edit all 2022 photos through August
Benji’s baby book
Podcast content plan for Q4 2022 and Q1 2023
Write out a music project that’s been on my mind
Have you benefitted from sharing your goals? Or do you like to keep them to yourself?