Camping 2013 - Hanging Rock

I have to say, one of my favorite memories so far this year was this sweet camping trip we took with some dear friends. Emily and John go camping quite regularly, so we were very thankful to have their expertise! Graham and Samantha were in our boat – we had been camping at some point in our lives, but it had been years. Thankfully, the weather was great (although freezing at night!), and we all survived Hanging Rock State Park!

So I have to share a funny story. While hiking on the side of the mountain, we followed the trail around a big rock and I heard someone say, “Nancy Ray! I read your blog!”  Of all the places to be recognized, I could NOT believe it was here! No make up, I smelled like campfire, and I was huffing and puffing my way around a mountain in the middle of nowhere.  After meeting this sweet woman and her family, she made the comment, “Of course Nancy Ray would be camping! She’s content!” It made me laugh, because I knew at that point she really did read my blog! And she was right. I was so grateful this trip happened on the contentment challenge because it taught me so much about being content!

1. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to make unbelievable memories. This was one of my favorite vacations we’ve ever taken. Simple, rustic, and so fun.
2. I am really grateful for showers. And toilets that aren’t 100 yards away. I was very happy to return home!
3. Talking with friends while playing the guitar is really the best way to spend your time. Hands down.
4. We had NO cell phone service. And my phone died. So there was no way I could communicate or even look at a screen, even if I wanted to. I cannot tell you how much I needed that.
5. Experiences > Stuff. Period.

My favorite memories & details:

– Hiking up to hanging rock
– Referring to Winston at our little mountain goat. He did such a great job and slept for 3 days afterwards!
– The peonies Samantha brought for decor
– Making 3 campfires
– Being recognized on a hike by one of my
blog readers who has the cutest family ever.
– Eating more s’mores than should be legal. Thanks to Emily, I now LOVE s’mores with a little raspberry jam. You should try it!
– Smothering cuddling with Will all night in our tent
– Hearing the wind blow around us as we slept
– Waking up to the smell of bacon
– Listening to Winston growl all. night. long. (OK maybe NOT one of my favorite memories)
– Watching Bolo bond with John around the campfire
– A peaceful and exhausted drive home with Will and Winston asleep the entire time 

Here’s to more adventures like this!


July 2013 Goals


June 2013 Goals