Lyndon’s First Birthday

Photos by Elizabeth Tate, our dear friend and former family photographer. I’m so grateful for these!

She is ONE! Our sweet Lyndon Whitfield is one! She changed our lives completely one year ago, and I look at these pictures in awe of the last 365 days. Time has sped up for sure, but our lives are so much richer because she is a part of them.

Her first birthday party was so sweet because it took place in our new home, the home we renovated this summer and moved into just one month before her birthday. Will and I stayed up until 1:30am the night before her birthday – I was finishing hand-sewing her doll, he was up installing lights in our kitchen. I intentionally chose to NOT do a lot of the things I did for Milly’s first birthday : I didn’t bake a 5 layer rainbow cake, but opted to make funfetti straight from the box. I didn’t spend much on table linens or favors or decorations, but instead got some Chickfila and Cheese and Crackers and disposable table cloths at Walmart. I didn’t finish her baby book for display, because… two kids. I’m not there yet. But I DID soak her in every moment. I celebrated her with every fiber of my being. I thanked God for who she is and who she is becoming. And I learned that being a mama of two requires a lot of grace, and I’m okay with that.

Watching Lyndon grow into the independent, strawberry blonde straight haired little girl that she is has brought me so much joy it hurts. I spent most of my days laughing at her and Milly together, learning how different they are, discovering that the love in my heart can multiply more than I ever knew possible. Lyndon, sweet baby, you have changed my life.

You made me a mother of two.
You taught me to stay humble and know that as a parent, I can never stop learning.
You have kept me on my toes because of your independent, adventurous spirit (which I adore).
You make me laugh so hard with your incredible appetite, double wink, and the way you say “da da.”

I am so so grateful for you, sweet Lyndon. Your first year was beautiful to watch, I cannot wait to see who you continue to become!

*Her lovely invitations were provided by Minted – my favorite go-to spot for all birthday invitations and Christmas cards!


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