May 2013 Goals

Happy May! I can hardly believe I’m typing that. We are almost halfway through the year, y’all! That always makes me stop and think, am I really reaching the goals I want to be reaching? Am I focusing on what matters, or am I getting distracted? Whether I am or I am not, the good news is this: It’s a NEW month with NEW beginnings. So we can start fresh, today. Happy May, indeed!

For those of you who have joined me, how has the first month of The Contentment Challenge been for you? I hope it’s been as challenging and rewarding as it’s been for me. It has been a stretch (I successfully went to Target, stayed completely on task, and left with nothing but groceries!), and it’s been so rewarding. God’s words are true – happiness does not come from stuff. Whatsoever. So roll up your sleeves, because we are ready to get started on MONTH 2!

The Contentment Challenge : May
Theme: Gratitude
Memory Verse: Philippians 4:11-13 (above)
Activity Challenge: To create at least 15 brand new outfits with the items of clothes you already own

Ok friends – I’m very excited about this month’s challenge! This month is all about focusing on what we already have. Being grateful. So far, you’ve cleaned out your closet and given a bunch of stuff away. Now it’s time for you to get creative with what you already have!  The May Challenge is for you to create at least 15 brand new outfits with the items of clothes you already own. If you don’t have a creative eye, ask a stylish friend to come over and help you. That’s what I did, and it’s amazing what a fresh pair of eyes can see!  My sweet friend Stacie (who has the most adorable style) spent a morning with me and my closet. She emptied it out and put it back together again, opening my eyes to articles of clothing I would have never otherwise worn/noticed/paired together. She is brilliant! Here is a pic of her and half my wardrobe sprawled out over my bedroom :

And here are examples of outfits she put together for me! I had never paired these items together or worn them before. I felt like I went shopping, when really all I had to do was open my eyes to what I already had, and be grateful.

Note – I’ve only ever worn those blue converse shoes for painting! They were hiding in the very bottom of my closet. Stacie totally revived them! She said to embrace all the paint on them and wear them all the time. She also taught me to embrace belts, pairing blues with blues, accessories and layering.

Be sure to Instagram some adorable new outfits and include the hashtag #contentmentchallenge! This community has been so encouraging, and I am so grateful that so many of you have joined in!

Okay, onto this month’s goals:

May Goals

What are your goals for this month? What has been the most challenging or rewarding aspect of the Contentment Challenge during month 1? Can’t wait to hear from you!


June 2013 Goals


April 2013 Goals