A Super Mario Bros Update

Introducing the cast of Super Mario Bros! Mario & Luigi, Princess Peach & a Super Star, Bowser, Donkey Kong, and some Mystery boxes! It’s been a while. Why not break the ice with some fun photos of us?

The boys fully embodied the Italian Plumber vibe and it was hilarious.

Let's start with the personal update! Praise God for health and adventures! I'm ever leaning into the tension of motherhood - grand experiences v. a simple life, wanting to live off grid v. being a light, creating time for myself v. living every waking hour meeting needs, desiring to pursue some work goals v. desiring to only work in the home. Welcome to my everyday thoughts. 

This year, we've made some really beautiful memories. I cannot believe we are looking at the last few weeks of the year! I'm so grateful for so many wonderful experiences:

In the spring, I was on a retreat with my Bible study ladies, Will and I headed to a marriage retreat, we went skiing in Utah, and I attended Soul Camp in Charleston.

In the summer, we visited my family in Nashville for Milly’s birthday, we did way too many camps (horse camp! princess camp! boy camp! new life camp!), we had the best week ever at Lake Gaston just as a family, we adventured to Beaufort, NC for the Fourth of July.

In the fall, we went camping with friends, hosted friends from Charlotte, went to Beaufort, and I had a girls weekend locally which was just delightful.

Now, we prepare for the final stretch! Thanksgiving, Christmas, and lots of exciting changes in our family. More on that soon!

Bottom line : we are good, grateful, and still here. My days are overflowing with homeschooling, cooking, clearing clutter, tidying, reading, exercising on repeat.


Meet Baby Ray # 5


Writing for writing