200 - 200th Episode

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All resource for this episode can be found in the show notes below!

Show Notes:

Today is the 200th episode of Work and Play with Nancy Ray. I am so excited to celebrate with you. I can't believe it. I can't believe I've done 200 of these episodes. That's crazy. I'm so grateful that you have been listening. I hope today's episode is just fun. I thought of 200 of my favorite things, which is kind of wild, and it also took me a really long time to come up with 200 of my favorite things. 

But the hope was that maybe there are some things that I'm enjoying in my life that you don't know about. Maybe there's things I'm loving that you already know and love as well. Either way, I hope it's fun, lighthearted, playful, and something to celebrate.

I've brought a few helpers along. If you were here for the hundredth episode, you remember my kids helped me out with that, and that was when I just had three kids and Beaufort was a baby, and now I have four, and Benji’s the baby, and it has been so fun to incorporate them into this episode. Makes me a little teary, really happy and I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for listening to the 200th episode of Work and Play with Nancy Ray. 

For the full episode, hit play above or read through below.


This is so fun. Okay, when I told my husband Will what I was doing, he was like, “Nance, you have got to like stay on track. You can't give an explanation about every single thing that's on your list because this episode's gonna be like four hours long if you do.” 

This is gonna take some major self-control, guys, but I'm really gonna try to just read through my list with maybe an exception here and there if I need, if I really feel like I need to explain it. But the whole point of this is just to have some fun and celebrate. 

Okay, couple housekeeping things before I jump in. Number one, I'm gonna take off the whole month of July, so I'll see you back here in August. Most of you know that I take off January and July just to kinda take a deep breath, plan a little, be with my family, enjoy, and just plan in those kind of sabbatical times along with my work and life. 

And second of all, there are gonna be some really fun, cool announcements, things that I've got going on behind the scenes. If you want to make sure you don't miss anything, the best way to stay in touch with me, especially when I'm on these breaks and whatnot, is to be on my email list. So if you're not and you'd like to be, just go to nancyray.com/email and you can join at any time and really stay in the loop on anything that I am creating, doing, all of that. You'd be part of the fam if you're on that list. 

Okay, let's jump into my 200 favorite things. It's gonna be all over the place. I have them divided into some subcategories, but I'm gonna start off with just 30 of like my favorite things, just generally my favorite things in life. Let's go. 

Starting with my favorite people: 

1. Will

2. Milly

3. Lyndon

4. Beaufort

5. Benji 

Some of my favorite things: 

6. My Bible

7. My journal 

8. .38 pens

9. Mildliners

10. Golden Coil Planner

11. Apple Watch

12. Beach body workouts

13. Marco Polo 

14. Olive & June Nail Polish

15. Barefoot Dreams robe

16. Double Bob Stroller

17. Stanley Cup

18. Magnesium gummies (I take every night)

19. AirPods

20. My new back porch

21. Warby Parker glasses

22. Chi flat iron 

23. Soft blankets from Home Goods

24. Sweet cream coffee creamer

25. My mug collection

26. Laughing with my mom and sister and constantly giving each other pep talks via text message

27. My annual Minki trips 

28. Grammy days, which is my one day a week when Grammy takes the kids so I can catch up on work and life (happens to be today!)

29. And quiet time with the Lord before the kids wake up. 

Here are our favorite books to read:

30. Going on a Bear Hunt

31. Twinkle Twinkle Little Car

32. Little Blue Truck 

33. Boxcar Children Series

34. You are Special by Max Lucado

35. Berenstein Bears

36. All the Things I Love About You

37. Green Eggs & Ham 

Nancy: Okay, Lyndon, what is your favorite book we've read as a family?

Lyndon: Narnia. 

Nancy: Beaufort, what about you?

Beaufort: Little Pilgrim’s Progress

Here are our top 10 favorite movies we love to watch as a family: 

38. Sing 1 and 2

39. Robin Hood 

40. Aladdin

41. Frozen 1 and 2 

42. Super Mario Brothers

43. Cinderella 1, 2, 3 

44. Despicable Me, 1, 2, 3 

45. Lion King

46. Prince of Egypt 

47. Encanto 

48. Chronicles of Narnia

Nancy: And we haven't actually seen The Chronicles of Narnia yet.

Millie: But, but Mommy and Daddy say, we're really gonna like it. 

Nancy: I think you’ll love it. 

Millie: And we read the whole series Chronicles and Narnia, and we finished it like two days ago, so we really wanna watch the movies.

Nancy: I know. We'll see if you're old enough, we gotta watch it first and preview it first. Thank you, Millie, for your help. 

My personal list of top 10 movies ever:

This was a hard one, but a really good one to think about.

49. About Time

50. Father of the Bride 1 

51. Father of the Bride 2

52. Prince of Egypt (I know that made their list and mine, but it is one of my favorite movies of all time)

53. Braveheart

54. The Holiday

55. The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe (of course, again)

56. The Titanic

57. It's a Wonderful Life

58. Breakfast at Tiffany's (Was my favorite in high school. It’s so weird but I loved it.)

10 songs you need to listen to: 

Nancy: These are 10 songs I, I don't know if they're my favorite songs. A lot of them are, but really they're just 10 songs I feel like you need to listen to if you've never listened to them. 

59. Remember When by Alan Jackson (Please grab a box of tissues before you listen to that)

60. Buy Dirt by Jordan Davis

61. Meanwhile Back at Mama's by Tim McGraw. 

62. Better by Jess Ray

63. Belovedness by Sarah Kreuger 

64. Behold The Lamb of God by Andrew Peterson

65. Psalm 46 by Jenny and Tyler 

66. Called Me Higher by All Sons and Daughters

67. Open Spaces by Housefires 

68. Eden (Isn’t it Just Like You) by Benjamin William Hastings

These are songs pulled from all different eras of my life that have meaning to me in some way. They're, this is so random, but they're all really good. Highly recommend them all. 

Our favorite family show:

Nancy: Okay, before jumping into my favorite TV shows, I thought it would be fun for each kid to share about our favorite show. What's our favorite family show that everybody loves?

69. Bluey!

Nancy: Okay, now each of you shared your favorite episode of Bluey, Beaufort you start. What's your favorite episode? 

Beaufort: Unicorse. 

Nancy: Unicorse. Okay. Lyndon? 

Lyndon: Squash.

Nancy: Squash. Millie, what's your favorite Episode? 

Millie: Family Meeting.

Nancy: Family Meeting. That's such a funny one. All right, here are the rest of my favorite TV shows.

My favorite shows: 

70. Friday Night Lights

71. The Office 

72. 24 

73. Parenthood

74. Gilmore Girls 

75. Friends 

76. Alone

77. Shark Tank 

78. Fixer Upper

My favorite beauty products:

79. Aquaphor

80. The Little Tinkle Razor. Is that, what is that how you call it? 

81. Becca Under Eye Brightner

82. A’del Cream Blush

83. Vaseline Rosy Lip Therapy

84. Maybelline Mascara (Lash Sensational is my favorite mascara) 

85.A’del Bashful Eyeshadow or The Dusk. (I can't choose between those. But A’del eyeshadow is so good) 

86. Billie Razor 

87. Ursa Major Golden Hour Face Recovery Cream

88. Ursa Major Forest Alchemy Eye Cream

89. Kenra Hairspray (which is the one hair product I would, I could never live without. That's so great.)

My favorite kitchen items: 

Mom, what are your favorite things to use in the kitchen daily? 

Nancy: Great question. 

90. My Caraway pots and pans.( I love them. There's four of them. They're beautiful and they cook great.) 

91. Lemon & lime squeezer

92. My Vitamix

93. Crock Pot

94. Pure Komachi knife (The one knife I love to cut with)

95. Silicone straws

96. Wooden cutting boards for snacks for the kids.

97. My cookie sheet (of course)

98. Magic bullet for quick smoothies 

99. My coffee maker.

My clothing favorites: 

100. True & Co Bra (True and co? Truco? It’s so comfortable.) 

101. Altra shoes (I just discovered them, love them. 

102. Barefoot Dreams robe (I already mentioned that) 

103. Ondo socks 

104. My sweatshirts in general (I have like 10 sweatshirts in my drawer that I'm obsessed with. All of them.)

105. Cross body bag (I love to wear that)

106. Colorfulkoala joggers (So comfortable, wear them probably four out of seven days a week.)

107. RDU hat

108. Walmart shorts (they're like comfy shorts with biker liner underneath, $13) 

109. Fuzzy old Navy zip-up jacket

Favorite Bible verses: 

I was gonna just read the, the scripture references and then I was like, y'all aren't gonna take the time to look 'em up. So I'm just gonna read you quick snippets from each one. Okay, here are 10 Bible verses that I love. 

110. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21

111. I lift my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1 

112. In him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:3

113. Rejoice in the Lord always. I'll say it again. Rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Philippians 4:4–8

114. Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 1 Timothy 6:17–19

115. If any of you lacks wisdom, let them ask God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given to him. James 1:5 

116. So now there's no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the law of the spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1–2

117. But he said to me, my grace is sufficient for you. For my power is perfected in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

118. Flee from youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace together with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 2 Timothy 2:22. (That was like my life verse when I was a teenager.) 

119. And last but not least, that's my favorite verse. But as for me, your nearness is my good. Psalm 73:28. 

These are 10 things that I love and use daily: 

120. Cross body bag

121. Wind Blown Jewelry (I live in that jewelry. It's so beautiful and complimentary to everything. No matter what I'm going to or what I'm wearing.) 

122. Olive & June Nail polish

123. Coffee pot

124. King-sized bed

125. Taking a bath every night is one of my absolute favorite things. 

126. Quip toothbrush

127. My minivan (Hello) 

128. My MacBook Pro, which allows me to work

129. My stretchy hair ties that I'm obsessed with

30 of my favorite books: 

Mom, tell me 30 books that you love. 

All right here is gonna just be a very quick rundown. I tried 10. That was impossible. There's so many different categories. 30 books including self-help, parenting novels, inspirational, you name it. These are some book recommendations. And I know I've left off some of my favorites, there's just no way to get them all. But here we go. 

130. Traction

131. How to Win Friends and Influence People. 

132. The Advantage

133. 4-Hour Work Week 

134. Tribes

135. 168 Hours

136. The Compound Effect

137. The 12-week Year

138. The Self-Driven Child

139. The Psychology of Money

140. The Tech-Wise Family

141. The Road Back to You

142. Mere Christianity 

143. Create Anyway

144. Anonymous 

145. God and Money 

146. The Power of a Praying Husband or Wife

147. Switch on Your Brain 

148. Strengthsfinder

149. Good to Great 

150. Screwtape Letters 

151. Deep Work 

152. Thou Shall Prosper 

153. The E-Myth

154. The Harry Potter series

155. The Nightingale

156. The Maid 

157. Redeeming Love

158. The Mark of the Lion trilogy 

159. All My Knotted Up Life

My favorite places to eat: 

Mom, what are your favorite places to eat? 

Nancy: All right, these are restaurants and coffee shops that I love and frequent. Some are really cheap, some are really expensive. It's just the 10 ones that I love most in Raleigh. 

160. Jubala 

161. Sola

162. Summer Moon 

163. Angus Barn

164. Winston's 

165. Chick-fil-A

166. Happy and Hale 

167. Bartaco 

168. Alpaca 

169. Taza Grill

My favorite meals I make: 

And here are 10 meals that I make. We're gonna just keep continuing on with the food theme. I asked my kids too to contribute to this.So they're the ones who actually talked about which ones were their favorites as well. 

170. Lemon pork bites and green beans

171. Homemade pizza

172. Mac and cheese with ranch chicken 

173. Taco Tuesdays 

174. White chicken chili 

175. Cobb salad and sweet potatoes

176. Buffalo dip snack night

177. Caesar salad with spaghetti, cheesy bread

178. Hot dogs and burgers (cookout night) 

179. Honey butter chicken with rice, corn, and green beans

My favorite things in the car: 

What are the 10 things you love in the car? 

Nancy: This was an interesting category I came up with, but I spent so much time in the car, I felt like this, this feels right. 

180. My CD and DVD case are full of CDs and DVDs that the kids love. Keeps them very entertained.

181. My first aid kit, keep it in the glove compartment. 

182. My prescription sunglasses by Warby Parker. Never thought I would buy them. I love them.

183. My trunk organizer from Sam's Club 

184. The sticky trash bags that the kids use, they stick it on their window and put all their trash inside of it. 

185. Handheld vacuum for cleaning it out easily and vacuuming out all of the goldfish and crumbs that accumulate 

186. My Avryn Co leather key chain wristlet—customized, it says work and play on it and I love it. 

187. My emergency diaper and wipe stash

188. My phone charger 

189. Bonus, my USBC car adapted charger for my computer that I, I keep in my glove compartment that I love to use on road trips.

My favorite memory makers:

Okay, and these are the last 10. These are like five travel spots that we go to almost every year and five other spots that we have loved to prioritize in making memories with our kids. So I didn't really know what to call this other than our 10 favorite places or memory makers that we do with our children every year. 

190. Boone, North Carolina is beautiful and it's the mountains of Boone and we love to go there in the summer or in the fall.

191. Beaufort, North Carolina's what our third child, our first son's name is Beaufort and it's after the small town in North Carolina that we have a big family, heritage on Will's side of the family there. Really cute, quaint little coastal town. 

192. Lake Gaston is so much fun for just family time, out on the lake with our kids skiing tubing. It's a blast. 

193. Myrtle Beach is also a family spot I grew up going to when I was a little girl and now we go back and visit grandparents down there and stay at the beach for a little bit. It's really fun. 

194. Nashville, Tennessee because it's my kids' favorite place on earth because it's where their cousins live and my mom and my sister live there and it's just such a good spot to travel to.

And the last five are a little bit different.

195. New Life Camp made the list because it's a spot here in Raleigh that has such a special place in our heartsm in mine and Will's heart and his whole family grew up going there and now our kids are going there and it has such a great camp life culture. And it's right here in our backyard, which is so fun. 

196. The 4th of July parade is something we try to make every single year in Beaufort and it's really fun to be with family and watch this little parade. 

197. Going to the mountains for Thanksgiving is a really fun place to be. And just make those memories as well. 

198. Camping at Blue Bear, that's our favorite spot where we go camping with friends. We've been several times in Boone and it is just lovely. It's like on the top of this mountain and the weather is so beautiful 

199. Being home on Christmas morning, cuz there's nothing greater than just being with your favorite people in your favorite place on Christmas morning. And those are kind of the spots and traditions that I thought of and want to hold to as my kids continue to grow.

200. Last but not least, my favorite space is our new screened-in porch I spend every morning out there. I love it so much. I'm basically living out there this summer and fall and it's so, so beautiful. 

Guys, that was it. That was not as long as I thought it was gonna be. Thankfully. I'm just really proud of myself for not talking too much about every single one.

But listen, if there's something that caught your attention as you were listening that you wanted to go back and listen to that song or go look up that recipe or try something in your car, please do that. This is, I just am grateful that I got to share a little bit more of like a personal glimpse into my life. What it looks like day to day, the things that I love, the places that I, I love the meals I make. I hope that you feel like you got to know me a little bit better, and I feel like I gotta share some of my favorite things with you to hopefully make your life a little bit better as well.

So thank you so much for listening to episode 200 of Work and Play with Nancy Ray. Everything I've said today, well, I don't know about everything, 200 links is a lot of links, but a lot of what I said to take can be found in the show notes at nancyray.com/podcast/200. And you can always find me over on Instagram, or like I said earlier in the podcast, you can always connect with me through my emails, nancyray.com/emails if you want to get more specific personal updates from me. 

Winston Churchill said “Listing your personal milestones is like storing a pocket full of sunshine for a rainy day.” I know this is probably a small thing to you listening to another podcast episode, but to me it's a big thing. I'm so grateful that you've stuck with me for 200 episodes and I'm so grateful for celebrating this milestone with you today.

It is like having a pocket full of sunshine to store away for a rainy day. Thank you so much for listening, and I hope you have a wonderful summer.

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