211 - Wisdom in Work

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One thing I have realized recently is that all of us in one way or another are seeking wisdom from God in our work. Whether that is working in our home and serving our kids and raising them, or whether it is running a business, managing a team, developing a new product, just maintaining something that we've had for years. As we get older, we need more wisdom. Life continues to get more complicated and more challenging, and especially in our work. And today's episode is gonna be simple. It's gonna be about three promises that we can find in scripture regarding wisdom in our work. 

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The other night Will and I went to an event, it was like a nice dinner fundraiser event with a lot of work friends and he saw one of his work friends and just said, “I've been thinking a lot about your question that you asked me and I just need more time to mull it over. I don't, I don't know my answer yet.” And she was like, “It's okay. I know it's, it's tough. I feel stuck and I'm just trying to get to where I need to go, but I'm not sure which way to go.” And he was like, “Yeah, I just, let me mull it over a little longer. Let me keep praying about it.”

And this is me observing this conversation. I was not part of it. I just was listening in and then that was it. We just went on our way. But it got me thinking, people all around me are struggling in work in one way or another. Not necessarily struggling, but like what? There's a decision that needs to be made or maybe a career change that has to take place or maybe it's a struggle with someone that you work with.

And we all need wisdom in work.  This year, I don't know that I've ever prayed so much about the direction of my work and what I should or shouldn't be doing, other than the year that I closed Nancy Ray Photography. I don't know that I've prayed so much. It's like, God, there's so much in our lives as we get older, as our families grow and change that we need direction for.

So if you're listening, you probably have been in the same place. If not now, like if not, if that's not you right now, you, we all need wisdom in our work. So I, because I've been spending this whole year in prayer and trying to figure out what God wants me to do, I've really spent a ton of time meditating on verses about wisdom.

And I've told my close friends and a few members of my family that I've called it my quest for wisdom. And that sounds so cheesy, but that's what I feel like I've been on. Like, Lord, I am on a mission to find wisdom and I've been so pleasantly surprised at what I found in the scripture and that's what I wanna share with you today.

So I'm gonna go through three promises that we have in scripture when we're seeking wisdom specifically in our work. 

1. Wisdom is Not Hiding from Us

The first comes from Proverbs 8, and the promise is that wisdom is not hiding from us. Wisdom is actually calling out to us. This whole chapter in Proverbs is beautiful. It's actually called Wisdom's Call. I don't even know how many times I've read it this year. But if you haven't ever read it, go read it. It's so encouraging and beautiful. I'm gonna read part of it to you now. It starts out like this. I love this: 

“Does not wisdom call out, does not understanding, raise her voice at the highest point along the way where the paths meet. She takes her stand beside the gate leading into the city. At the entrance she cries aloud to you, oh people I call out, I raise my voice to all mankind. You who are simple, gain prudence, you who are foolish, set your hearts on it. Listen, for I have trustworthy things to say. I open my lips to speak. What is right? My mouth speaks. What is true for my lips to test wickedness. All the words of my mouth are just, none of them is crooked or perverse. To the discerning, all of them are right. They're upright to those who have found knowledge. Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice. Gold for wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing you desire can compare with her.” 

—Proverbs 8:1–11

And it goes on and on. And I love how it's wisdom personified. I mean, she's talking, wisdom is talking through this entire chapter in Proverbs chapter 8 saying, “I, I'm calling out to you. Anyone who hears my voice can have me. Anyone who's looking for me can have me. If you feel simple like you'll never understand something, I'm for you.” Like, wisdom is for everybody. And I think the promise and truth that I was reminded of is wisdom is readily available to me and wisdom is readily available to you. And that's a beautiful thing. 

One of the passages in this chapter talks about how wisdom was there at the foundation of the world. And I think that's a beautiful picture. And at the end, if you can read the last few verses, I'll let you read that on your own. The last like little section of this chapter in Proverbs is so powerful because it talks about like all who find me, find life. But those who hate me love death. I mean it's strong words where if we find wisdom and and pursue her and listen to her, we find life. But those who hate wisdom and are not interested, the alternative is death. 

And so I hope that this encourages you in a few ways. I hope that you see that as you're looking for wisdom, ahe's calling out, she's ready to tell you the next steps. I hope you're encouraged to see just the heaviness of it and how we really should be seeking wisdom in every area of our lives because the alternative is pretty severe. But also the joy that we have when we find wisdom is so great. So wisdom is calling out. 

2. When You Ask God For Wisdom, He’ll Give You More

The second verse that I want to encourage you with today comes from James 1:5.

You may have guessed that it's the verse that talks about God always answering our prayer when we ask for more wisdom. And I have prayed this prayer for years and asked God for more wisdom for years. And He's faithful to give it. And that's what the promise says. So if you feel like you're stuck and you need more wisdom in an area, just say this verse out loud.

But I'm gonna read you the amplified version because I think this is a beautiful translation of this verse that really illustrates what it looks like to ask God for wisdom.

 “If any of you lacks wisdom to guide him through a decision or circumstance, he's to ask of our benevolent God who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to him.”

—James 1:5

That's a promise. It'll be given to you if you ask. If you ask, wisdom's gonna be given. If you ask, God is generous and He's gonna give it. If you ask for wisdom, He's not gonna look at you and shame you or rebuke you. Anytime you ask for wisdom, God's gonna say, “That's a good idea. I'm listening to you and I'm gonna give you what you need.”

I just think that's so awesome. Like when we are stuck, I love that translation says to guide him through a decision or circumstance, just ask God. He's generous. Another translation says, ask our generous God, He gives to everyone without rebuke or blame. So, second promise is that when you ask God for it, he's gonna give you more. 

3. Follow the Peace

And the third scripture that I wanted to share with you is Proverbs 3:5–6.  This was my grandpa's favorite Bible verse. It's one of those Bible verses I've known since I was a kid. But the older I get, the more I love it. And my pastor talked about it the other day and shed even more light on it.

 The verse says, 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.”

—Proverbs 3:5–6

That phrase, “in all your ways acknowledge him.” My pastor was explaining that the word “acknowledge” in Hebrew isn't like a cursory like, “Hey God, like acknowledging you. You're there. I'm living life down here. Thanks God.” It's like the same word “know”  in the Bible as in like a man knows a woman. Like it's very intimate. 

So the better translation would be in all your ways, know God intimately and he will direct your paths. And I think that is such an incredible reminder that when we are looking for wisdom in any area of our life, but even in our work, if we are walking closely with Jesus, he's gonna direct our path. He's gonna give you peace. Another pastor actually told me one time, like, “If you're really struggling and deciding about something, just follow the peace. Like if the Holy Spirit is in you and leading you and guiding you, you have to just follow the peace because He will let you know where the peace is.” And that's a phrase that's come back to me again and again. 

So I'm gonna read this verse one more time to you in a different translation. It says,

“Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart. And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways, know and acknowledge and recognize him and He will make your path straight and smooth, removing obstacles that block your way.” 

So wherever you are in your work, if you are facing a major decision or if you are just cruising along happy as can be, no big challenges or decisions to be made right now, these verses apply to you because we need wisdom every single day. And if you're not looking for help in a big decision now, you probably will be in the future. 

So I just invite you, go on your own quest for wisdom in the Bible. Ask God to illuminate scripture and share his heart and his wisdom with you because the word promises that whenever you ask, He will be faithful to give it. And don't forget that wisdom is always calling out, that God always gives it when we ask for it, and that he will direct our paths when we are closely, intimately walking with him. 

Thanks for listening to episode 211 of Work and Play with Nancy Ray. You can find everything I've mentioned today in the show notes, which really is just a bunch of scriptures, so just go to your Bible, at nancyray.com/podcast/211, and you can find me on @nancryray on Instagram or at nancyray.com.  

I'm just gonna close by reading James 1:5 one more time too because I think it's so powerful.

“If any of you lacks wisdom to guide him through a decision or circumstance, he is to ask of our benevolent God who gives to everyone generously and without review or blame. And it will be given to him.”

Thanks for listening and I'll catch you next time.

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