The Work & Play Podcast Episodes

Books Nancy Ray Books Nancy Ray

265 - Best Books from 2024

Reading books will forever be an important part of my life. It is something my dad has instilled in me. I will always be sharing the books that I’m loving and the books that I’m hoping to read on this podcast because I think it’s one of life’s greatest gifts. So today I am going to be sharing with you my favorite books that I read last year in 2024.

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Guest Interviews, Books, Encouragement Nancy Ray Guest Interviews, Books, Encouragement Nancy Ray

256 - You Can Always Come Home with Laura Jean Bell

I specifically reached out to my podcast guest today and said, “Please come on my podcast. I have been watching you and have been so inspired by you. I would love to hear more about your story and get a chance to catch up.”

We have been kind of online friends for over five years. Seeing what she is doing in her life is so inspiring. So today I am going to talk with Laura Jean Bell about health, faith, speaking life, about her story, and about her new book. Honestly, I feel like I was just sitting on a back porch talking with a really good friend for a long time. She is very honest; very real, and I think you’re going to love what she has to say.

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247 - Rebel with Graham Cochrane : Part 2

Welcome back to part two of my conversation with Graham Cochrane about his new book, Rebel, which is so great. If you haven’t listened to last week’s episode, definitely go back and listen to that one first. This is a continuation of my conversation with Graham. I told him when I was talking with him, “I feel like this is a sermon for me. How is it that we’re talking about your book called ‘Rebel’ right now?” It’s so good. I hope you enjoy our conversation. It was such a challenge and such a blessing to me all at once. I know you’re going to love it. Here’s part two of my conversation with Graham Cochrane.

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246 - Rebel with Graham Cochrane : Part 1

Get excited for today’s episode (and next week’s episode) because I get to talk with Graham Cochrane, who is a dear friend of mine. He and his wife Shay are good friends of mine and WIll. He is also my business coach. He has coached me in different seasons of my business and he just wrote a book. He loves the Lord. He is a brilliant entrepreneur, thought leader, author. It is a joy to get to talk to him and ask him questions one on one. You guys are in for a treat. The episode was packed full of so much goodness, I decided to break it up into two episodes. So don’t miss next week’s episode as well, as Graham and I talk all about his new book,


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Books Nancy Ray Books Nancy Ray

242 - Best Books of 2024 (So Far)

Hello! Welcome back to Work & Play with Nancy Ray. After a month-long break this summer, I thought that we would kick it off by talking about my favorite books that I have read so far in 2024.

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Home, Books, Contentment, Guest Interviews Nancy Ray Home, Books, Contentment, Guest Interviews Nancy Ray

228 - Less Clutter More Life with Barbara Hemphill : Part 2

Okay guys, get ready for part 2 of my conversation with Barbara. If you missed last week’s episode, you’re going to want to go back and listen to it. She is so full of wisdom, so gracious, she loves the Lord, and she’s teaching us all about how to maintain our homes, get rid of clutter, and set up systems in our life that will help us do the work that we’re meant to do and live the life we’re meant to live. Loved these conversations so much. Can’t wait for you to hear part 2!

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Home, Books, Contentment, Guest Interviews Nancy Ray Home, Books, Contentment, Guest Interviews Nancy Ray

227 - Less Clutter More Life with Barbara Hemphill : Part 1

Today's episode is so special! We have Barbara Hemphill chatting with us about how to manage all of the stuff and clutter in our lives. Guys, she has been doing this for over 40 years! She is THE pioneer to the decluttering industry. Before minimalism was a thing, she was out there helping people declutter their homes. She has so many systems and so much wisdom. I feel like I could talk to her for hours and never get tired of it. It's such a great conversation - so valuable and helpful. I plan to go back and re-listen to it and take notes. I'm so excited! It was so good that we're splitting it across two episodes so you'll get to hear from Barbara this week and next week. Get excited because it's a good one.

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Books Nancy Ray Books Nancy Ray

218 - 2023 Books and What I'm Reading in 2024

Today is my annual book club episode where I share my very favorite books that I read this last year in 2023 and also what I have planned for 2024. You can always find that current list updated at or you can follow along and read with me if you choose. It is very relaxed or you can just catch up on the podcast episodes as I release them. So I’m excited. I read some really good stuff this year and I have some exciting picks for next year and I can’t wait to share them with you today.

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Faith, Books Nancy Ray Faith, Books Nancy Ray

212 - Narnia, Harry Potter, and the Wingfeather Saga

There will never be adequate words to describe what these book series have meant to me over the last year. They have been some of the best parts of my life. I kid you not, over the last 12 months, I sobbed at the end of each one. Not an exaggeration. And if I'm honest, today's podcast episode almost didn't happen because I already know it's gonna fall short of what I want to say about each of these series, but I decided to move forward with it because if it encourages you to read them with a kingdom mindset, I believe it will have been worth it. Let's dive into the three best children’s series of all time.

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Work, Parenting, Play, Books, Guest Interviews Nancy Ray Work, Parenting, Play, Books, Guest Interviews Nancy Ray

192 - Book | Create Anyway with Ashlee Gadd

Welcome to May is for Mamas, where I dedicate every episode in the month of May to the Mamas listening. We are kicking it off with a beautiful, encouraging conversation with Ashlee Gadd on why it's so important to keep creating in the margins of motherhood. Ashlee is the author of Create Anyway, which is a beautiful book. It just came out and I could not get my hands on it fast enough.

Y'all. It's so good. Listen, Ashlee is a wife, a mom of three, a follower of Jesus, a writer, a photographer, and she founded Coffee and Crumbs, which is a beautiful online space that brings mothers together through storytelling. Ashlee is just the kind of person who has a beautiful heart, and I'm so grateful I got to spend time with her today.

Also, side note, Coffee and Crumbs has a podcast and it's one of the very few podcasts I actually listen to regularly, and what a gift it was to just to get to know Ashlee, to get to know her heart. I know you're gonna love our conversation on creating in motherhood.

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Books, Work Nancy Ray Books, Work Nancy Ray

161 - Book | 4 Disciplines of Execution

Hello and happy June! Today is a full and exciting episode because I have some updates for you for the Summer and it's a book club episode, which are always my favorites. This book kind of has a funny story with it—which I'll get to.

We are out of school, we're getting used to new rhythms with all the kids home and I've got some fun Summer episodes coming up. Lots to talk about today, but today's book is called The 4 Disciplines of Execution and it was a doozy of a business book. There was a lot in there, but I'm really excited to simplify it and kind of translate it to how we can apply it to our work and our homes. It's going to be good.

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