Welcome to the blog!
Routines, playlists, books, sweatshirts, motherhood and coffee….just over here sharing my favorites and my thoughts old school style on a blog.
PS. So glad you are here!
PPS. I’m way better at podcasting than blogging, as you’ll see.
Contentment Challenge 2019
Well friend, here we are again. It’s been over 5 years since God put the Contentment Challenge on my heart for the first time. Since then, I’ve done the Contentment Challenge about once a year, and again and again, it changes me. Which is why, on January 1st, I’m doing it again!
December Goals
Since 2011, I have been blogging my monthly goals over on the Nancy Ray Photography blog EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. I can honestly say I don’t think I missed a month since I began! There is something powerful about sharing your monthly goals, because it keeps you accountable.
Top 5 Books of 2018
Every year I endeavor to read 12 books - 1 book a month. I’m not the fastest or best reader, and with two little ones it’s definitely a challenge to read! But it’s always, always worth it! After reading 10 books this year (I don’t think I’ll make it to my 11th or 12th with this baby), I’ve come away with my Top 5… and they are GOOD.
A Giveaway to Celebrate!
What better way to celebrate the launch of this new site than giving some of my favorite things away, just in time for Christmas?!
Welcome to the new NancyRay.com!
Welcome to the all new nancyray.com! I’m so grateful you are here.
Section Styles sidebar
Hey, there! I’m Nancy.
My hope for this website (and my entire business, actually) is to be a resource that provides you with practical tools for an integrated life.
I’m so glad you’re here!