The Work & Play Podcast Episodes
120 - Foundations in Home
Over the last several months, I have been working on a project I haven’t told anyone about, but you, my dear work and play podcast listener, are going to be the very first to know about it.
Today’s episode is part 1 of a three part episode series giving you a glimpse inside this new audio course (I honestly hesitate to call it a course because it’s more of a comprehensive way that I look at my life broken down into three categories: faith, home and work).
115 - Lean Into Your Season
Welcome to another episode of May is for Mamas! Today, I’m going to be brief and hopefully encouraging. And I don't say this lightly—I believe the secret to getting the most out of motherhood, and life in general, is to simply lean in to your season.
113 - My Journey to Motherhood
This episode feels extra vulnerable for me because I don't feel like I got to this path of motherhood that I'm on like most women do, but I'm realizing that every story of motherhood is different and hard and beautiful and every unique way.
And so in hopes that I'm going to make someone who's listening feel a little less lonely and a little more normal, I am going to be vulnerable and share how I got here, how I got to being a mama of almost four kids.
112 - Book | Atomic Habits
I'll be honest—I almost took this book off of my reading list this year, because I felt like it was cruel and unusual punishment to myself to read a book about sleep the year that I would have a newborn baby. BUT I'm really glad I read it anyway, because it's helping me now in pregnancy and it will help during that newborn phase, as hard as it's going to be, as well as prioritizing sleep for our whole family for years to come.
I get pretty nerdy today—fair warning!
111 - How to Keep Photos Organized with 4 Kids
Every mother is stuck in this paradox of wanting so badly to photograph and keep and preserve heir children's lives and childhoods with organized baby books and photos, but the very thing that keeps us from doing that are our children. They consume so much of our time and mental energy, it feels impossible to stay on top of our photos. Today, I'm going to tell you how I plan to keep my photos organized with four kids.
110 - What I Learned This Contentment Challenge
Today, I'm going to share with you the value of doing this, the value of giving up something in your life that's easy and convenient and even good, to challenge yourself; and specifically the value of the Contentment Challenge this year and what I learned this time around.
108 - Book | Sleep Smarter
I'll be honest—I almost took this book off of my reading list this year, because I felt like it was cruel and unusual punishment to myself to read a book about sleep the year that I would have a newborn baby. BUT I'm really glad I read it anyway, because it's helping me now in pregnancy and it will help during that newborn phase, as hard as it's going to be, as well as prioritizing sleep for our whole family for years to come.
I get pretty nerdy today—fair warning!
107 - How I'm Simplifying My Work This Year
In a lot of ways my work has really been simplified for me. I have been forced to be really strategic and simplified with my time and my plans. Today, I'm going to share ways that I took things off of my plate, got organized and really simplified my work and my goals this year, and moving forward.
106 - Email Ninja
While I was running my photography business and my team, we had to get an email system in place and I turned my inbox into a little game. Over the years I have put a lot of disciplines into place and match that up with this little game that I play and all of that has really helped me to get control over it and not feel as overwhelmed, but instead, feel more like an #EmailNinja.
Today, I'm going to teach you how to be an Email Ninja, too.
104 - Book | Know Yourself, Know Your Money with Rachel Cruze
I'm so excited to welcome Rachel Cruze back to the Work & Play Podcast! We're talking about the why behind your money—why we think or behave the way that we do when it comes to our spending, saving and relating to money. And most importantly, how we can continue to dream with our money when it feels like life might be a little out of our control.
102 - Eliminating Decision Fatigue
When we feel overloaded by too many decisions, our ability to make good, clear decisions decreases, which is called “decision fatigue”: basically we just get so tired of making so many decisions. It doesn't matter how strong or smart you are. Your brain just says “I'm done today.”
I want to ask you simple question and let you in on a few ways that I'm trying to actively eliminate decision fatigue In my own life.
100 - 100th Episode, 100 Questions!
I'm doing something different today! In celebration of the 100th episode, I asked you all on Instagram for 100 questions to answer, and I'm really excited just to have fun and allow you guys to get to know me on a different level. A lot of these are personal, a lot of them are lighthearted, a lot of them are fun and hopefully some of them you'll find helpful to you and your life. Believe me, you want to listen to the end.
098 - Fighting for Fun
I was talking with a friend the other day and she asked me the question, what are you fighting for this year? And it took me a minute to answer her, but after a pause, I finally said, “You know, I think I'm fighting for fun.” I know that might sound trite or silly, but I'm realizing it's—it's not that silly, it's actually necessary.
091- Book | The Celebration of Discipline
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of surface, trite, make-it-what-you-want-it Christianity. I want the real God of the universe. I want what He has to say, even if it's hard to hear it. This book showed me the practices that we can do as believers to welcome Jesus into our very real lives and to hear His very real voice a little bit clearer. I'll be honest. These disciplines, they aren't easy. They are not for the faint of heart, but they are good. And they have changed me.
090 - Our Favorite Christmas Traditions
Today, I'm going to be sharing all of our favorite Christmas traditions. And sharing this is really just to encourage you to make time for the most important things, and hopefully just to invite you into our family for a little bit in sharing how Will and I have brought our different sets of our own family's traditions and made them our own.
089 - One Word a Day
So when I became a mom, during that newborn phase of life, it was very hard to determine which way was up or down. The Lord taught me this simple practice. It doesn't take a lot of time, but still to this day, it speaks straight to my heart and it grounds me. It's simply focusing on one word throughout your whole day.
088- Book | Digital Minimalism
Welcome to this month's edition of the Nancy Ray Book Club, where I choose 12 books to read in a year, and I invite you to join me in reading them, and then I share my takeaways in the book of the month every month. This month I am thrilled to be talking about Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport.
087 - Encouragement on Election Day
In today's episode, I want to remind all of us of three things the Lord calls us to, in any and every season of our lives. Three things that, if I'm honest, I feel like they've been pushed to the side. Three things that I believe were part of the founding of this country and three things that we absolutely must maintain if we are to move forward.