Welcome to the blog!
Routines, playlists, books, sweatshirts, motherhood and coffee….just over here sharing my favorites and my thoughts old school style on a blog.
PS. So glad you are here!
PPS. I’m way better at podcasting than blogging, as you’ll see.
Organizing Your Digital Photos
I just checked, and I officially have 1,648 photos and videos currently on my phone. This is an issue, people. And I’m fairly positive I’m not the only one. As a photographer, the funny thing is – my personal photos rarely get the time and attention they deserve.
When I first began photographing weddings, I took no less than 4,000 photos on a wedding day. Then I sorted them down to around 1,500 to deliver to my client.
Who in the world has the time to do anything with 1,500 photos?!
After being in this business for years, and after being a normal human being with a full schedule and a full life, I wish I knew this one, beautiful truth about photography:
Less is more.
Organizing Your Photos : My Favorite Resources
After getting a million questions on instagram, I figured I would compile a list of some of my favorite resources for organizing your photos!
FREE CLASS: Organize Your Family Photos Once and for All!
Sign up for your free spot in my online class where I'm going to teach you all about how to organize your family photos on Wednesday, April 15th at 2 PM Eastern!
A Challenge: Clear your iPhone Photos (& get organized!)
Say this with me:
My phone is not a photo storage device.
It is a PHONE.
Section Styles sidebar
Hey, there! I’m Nancy.
My hope for this website (and my entire business, actually) is to be a resource that provides you with practical tools for an integrated life.
I’m so glad you’re here!