Welcome to the blog!

Routines, playlists, books, sweatshirts, motherhood and coffee….just over here sharing my favorites and my thoughts old school style on a blog.

PS. So glad you are here!
PPS. I’m way better at
podcasting than blogging, as you’ll see.

Home, Motherhood Nancy Ray Home, Motherhood Nancy Ray

Fun Friday : Simplifying Birthday Parties!

Here’s my philosophy on birthday parties (and parties in general): the more babies I have, the more simple it has to be! That philosophy has been born out of necessity, but I’m actually growing very comfortable and proud of the fact that I’m a Pinterest Perfect mom. I’m just doing my thing, and I’m very happy with that.

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Home, Motherhood Nancy Ray Home, Motherhood Nancy Ray

February Goals 2020

If I’m honest, my current situation tells me to not plan anything, because my family is going to keep getting sick and I wont be able to do it anyway. I KNOW that sounds like I’m a grumpy pants complainer, but it’s honestly how I feel after the December and January that we’ve had! BUT. If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that if I DON’T plan or try, it’s guaranteed that nothing will happen. So I’m going to keep showing up and trying. I’m going to keep setting goals. And if there is more sickness, I’ll push some of these goals back to March and ask for God to sustain us.

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Motherhood, Personal Nancy Ray Motherhood, Personal Nancy Ray

Beaufort's Birth Story

I’m sitting here with Beaufort sound asleep on my chest, both girls are napping (insert victory dance here!! All 3 kids asleep at once!), and I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I’m about to write my THIRD child’s birth story. For so long I wasn’t ready to become a mama, it is purely God’s grace and goodness to me that I am one today. If you’re new around here, or if you just love birth stories, I’m including some links that will fill you in on my journey to becoming a mama to three. And then you’ll hear the crazy story of how Beaufort William came into our lives.

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Home, Motherhood Nancy Ray Home, Motherhood Nancy Ray


Today, I turn 32!

I LOVE birthdays, and I love parties and celebrations and decorating and cakes and all the birthday things. I am not one of those “low key” kind of people when it comes to birthdays - I like to celebrate every year of life BIG. I don’t mind aging at all… I see it as part of life and want to age gracefully. So the more candles, the better!

But this year, it’s quiet. And I’m LOVING it.

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Motherhood, Personal Nancy Ray Motherhood, Personal Nancy Ray

Lyndon's Birth Story - Part 1

3:30PM on July 25th
I had just woken up from a nap. I was already on maternity leave, It was 4 days before my due date, and I had been chasing my 2 year old Milly around all morning. I felt mild cramps, and then they would subside. “Could this be it?” I laid there for 30 minutes, praying, timing the cramps, and begging God for help and His presence.

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Personal, Motherhood Nancy Ray Personal, Motherhood Nancy Ray

Milly's Birth Story - Part 2

We checked into the hospital around 11pm. I had lost all concept of time, and everything at this point everything is very fuzzy in my memory. I was completely in a different place mentally and physically, focusing all of my energy on the work before me. I remember being shocked to find out it was 11pm – I thought it was much earlier! We were delivering at a brand new hospital, and it was like a ghost town. It had only opened its doors 2 weeks prior, and we were the only ones there to deliver a baby! It was pretty great. Instead of triage, I was escorted straight to a labor and deliver room since all of them were empty.

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Hey, there! I’m Nancy.

My hope for this website (and my entire business, actually) is to be a resource that provides you with practical tools for an integrated life.

I’m so glad you’re here!