The Work & Play Podcast Episodes

Work Nancy Ray Work Nancy Ray

263 - State of the Podcast

It is January! Happy 2025! This is my annual State of the Podcast episode. It’s going to be short and sweet, but I’m also really excited to share all the ideas and things I’m thinking about for Work and Play with Nancy Ray in 2025.

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Home, Work, Play, Parenting Nancy Ray Home, Work, Play, Parenting Nancy Ray

243 - School Prep + Play

The school year is here and it is time to get in that mode. I feel like today’s episode is a pep talk for us mamas who are getting ready to start the school year and we want to start it strong. This episode is called “School Prep and Play” because we are going to be talking about how to prepare well for the school year and also how to play more this school year.

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Work, Guest Interviews, Media Nancy Ray Work, Guest Interviews, Media Nancy Ray

225 - Website Talk with Paige Brunton

Today I'm talking with my friend, Paige Brunton, who is a website expert; specifically in Squarespace. She teaches others to design their own Squarespace websites and she also teaches others how to become professional Squarespace web designers which is pretty cool. She has totally ditched social media, but has an amazing online business and a very engaged Youtube following. She now lives in Switzerland with her husband, which is amazing. I know you're going to love her and whether or not you have a Squarespace website, you're going to be so encouraged to know the most important thing that you need to do with your website after listening today.

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Encouragement, Routines, Work Nancy Ray Encouragement, Routines, Work Nancy Ray

219 - Reflect & Finish Strong

So this year I'm doing something a little different. I decided early in November that I am not thinking about or planning for next year until next year in January. I am all in for 2023. I want to be present and finish this year strong. My eyes are on my kids, my husband, Christmas, and New Year's, and I just, for whatever reason, feel so strongly in my spirit that I need to not take time and energy in this month to plan and look at it. This is so different for me. Okay. I am a planner. I am a forward thinker. But there's just been some different life circumstances that have led me to this, so this episode is all about some end-of-year rhythms for reflecting on your year and how you can finish this year strong.

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Routines, Home, Work Nancy Ray Routines, Home, Work Nancy Ray

211 - Wisdom in Work

One thing I have realized recently is that all of us in one way or another are seeking wisdom from God in our work. Whether that is working in our home and serving our kids and raising them, or whether it is running a business, managing a team, developing a new product, just maintaining something that we've had for years. As we get older, we need more wisdom. Life continues to get more complicated and more challenging, and especially in our work. And today's episode is gonna be simple. It's gonna be about three promises that we can find in scripture regarding wisdom in our work.

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Routines, Work Nancy Ray Routines, Work Nancy Ray

208 - 5 Time Management Tools

Okay, confession. I am a major time management junkie and I love it. I love planning. I love buying my new calendar for the year and getting my favorite pens and highlighters and making a plan and writing an appointments and making lists. I love managing stuff. I love managing my time. And today I'm gonna share with you five of my favorite time management tools that have really helped me through the years because we all have 24 hours in a day, but it all comes down to how we manage our time.

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Work, Home, Faith Nancy Ray Work, Home, Faith Nancy Ray

207 - A Strategy for Life

Today, I am gonna be telling you all about how I create a strategy for my life. And I know that sounds very broad and possibly overwhelming, but hang with me because I feel like I have been given some amazing tools to help me in four main areas of my life: my faith, my home, my work, and my legacy or my life overall.

So that's what we're gonna talk about today, how to create a strategy for your life. If you're feeling like you need some clarity, then this episode is for you.

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Routines, Work Nancy Ray Routines, Work Nancy Ray

204 - Ideal Week

Today, I am so excited to share with you one of my very favorite things to do. I know this is really nerdy of me, but I love writing out my ideal week. This is something that I do at least twice a year, sometimes three times a year, because there are different times in my year that just look different. An ideal week looks different, and today I'm gonna walk you through my process of how to create an ideal week so that you can be living the life that you want in and week out with a lot of joy.

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Work, Parenting, Play, Books, Guest Interviews Nancy Ray Work, Parenting, Play, Books, Guest Interviews Nancy Ray

192 - Book | Create Anyway with Ashlee Gadd

Welcome to May is for Mamas, where I dedicate every episode in the month of May to the Mamas listening. We are kicking it off with a beautiful, encouraging conversation with Ashlee Gadd on why it's so important to keep creating in the margins of motherhood. Ashlee is the author of Create Anyway, which is a beautiful book. It just came out and I could not get my hands on it fast enough.

Y'all. It's so good. Listen, Ashlee is a wife, a mom of three, a follower of Jesus, a writer, a photographer, and she founded Coffee and Crumbs, which is a beautiful online space that brings mothers together through storytelling. Ashlee is just the kind of person who has a beautiful heart, and I'm so grateful I got to spend time with her today.

Also, side note, Coffee and Crumbs has a podcast and it's one of the very few podcasts I actually listen to regularly, and what a gift it was to just to get to know Ashlee, to get to know her heart. I know you're gonna love our conversation on creating in motherhood.

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Work Nancy Ray Work Nancy Ray

191 - My Top 8 Work Hacks

My top eight work hacks or tips or advice, or, I had the hardest time naming this episode, but these are just random things that I have pieced together after my 16 years of experience of being an entrepreneur.

Some of them I've created, some of them I have learned from books, some of them are systems, some of them are habits, but they're the things I keep coming back to again and again. Now, you might be surprised at some of them, but here's the deal: I know I struggled the most in my work and in my business when I have a lack of clarity and when I feel really overwhelmed with all that I have to do.

So this list of eight things are things that I've brainstormed based on my years of being an entrepreneur. They're the things that have worked when I've worked by myself and they've worked when I've had a team working with me. They helped me not only in my work but in my life and being more present with my family as well, and just being more fulfilled. They helped me stay inspired and passionate about my work and I'm so excited to share them with you today.

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Work, Podcast Nancy Ray Work, Podcast Nancy Ray

186 - Making Godly Work Decisions

There is never a shortage of decisions to be made in regards to your work.

What should I be doing for my career? Should I stop working when I have children? Do I go back to work? And if I do, when should I go back to work? How much should I be working? Should I close down my work? Should I start something new? Should I hire someone? Do I need to fire someone? How do I spend my time this year? How do I spend my time today? The decisions go on and on.

In today's episode, I'm going to encourage you with some tools that you can use when making a big decision in regards to your work. And I'm just gonna be here to remind you that God's got you and He's got your business from beginning to end.

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Routines, Work Nancy Ray Routines, Work Nancy Ray

176 - End of Year Planning + Finish Strong

At the end of every year, I plan time to do three simple things to plan for the year ahead. I take time to look back, reviewing the previous year. I set aside time to celebrate the previous year in God's faithfulness, and I take time to look ahead and set goals for the year to come. This episode's gonna give you more of a behind the scenes look at what that actually looks like for me.

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