The Work & Play Podcast Episodes
118 - Babymoon: Work and Play
Today's episode is going to cover all of the work and play of going on a babymoon. I'm going to summarize each of the babymoons we've taken: how they've all been different and how we've budgeted for each one.
107 - How I'm Simplifying My Work This Year
In a lot of ways my work has really been simplified for me. I have been forced to be really strategic and simplified with my time and my plans. Today, I'm going to share ways that I took things off of my plate, got organized and really simplified my work and my goals this year, and moving forward.
106 - Email Ninja
While I was running my photography business and my team, we had to get an email system in place and I turned my inbox into a little game. Over the years I have put a lot of disciplines into place and match that up with this little game that I play and all of that has really helped me to get control over it and not feel as overwhelmed, but instead, feel more like an #EmailNinja.
Today, I'm going to teach you how to be an Email Ninja, too.
102 - Eliminating Decision Fatigue
When we feel overloaded by too many decisions, our ability to make good, clear decisions decreases, which is called “decision fatigue”: basically we just get so tired of making so many decisions. It doesn't matter how strong or smart you are. Your brain just says “I'm done today.”
I want to ask you simple question and let you in on a few ways that I'm trying to actively eliminate decision fatigue In my own life.
100 - 100th Episode, 100 Questions!
I'm doing something different today! In celebration of the 100th episode, I asked you all on Instagram for 100 questions to answer, and I'm really excited just to have fun and allow you guys to get to know me on a different level. A lot of these are personal, a lot of them are lighthearted, a lot of them are fun and hopefully some of them you'll find helpful to you and your life. Believe me, you want to listen to the end.
086 - Find More Hours In Your Week
This week, we're going to be talking about how to get the most out of your week with the ideal week exercise.
085 - How to Write a 5 Year Business Plan
Let's take a few minutes to dream about life and work and lay out a game plan for the next five years.
079 - Why I Have a Business Journal
Today's episode is short and sweet, and I am talking about why I have a business journal—a work journal.
Yes, a separate journal, completely dedicated to my work. And I'll be telling you why I think you should have one too.
078 - Book | The Pumpkin Plan
As we were starting to do research and kind of figure out what content we wanted to make when I was just starting this brand and podcast, a friend asked me some really good questions, and recommended this book: The Pumpkin Plan.
It challenged me to push pause on all of my own ideas, to zoom out a little bit, to get some more perspective, and ask better questions, not only of myself, but of my clients, my audience, and my work. I'm really excited to dive in today and share what I learned!
076 - How to Write a Clear Purpose Statement
For the most part, mission statements / purpose statements / "what's your why" statements are just too wordy and a bunch of gobbledygook that doesn't help you or clarify your vision.
So if you've never written one for your work, or if you have one, but you can't recite it right now off the top of your head and you don't really believe in it: this episode is for you.
070 - Book | Crucial Conversations
Today's episode is one that I hope you will bookmark and come back to. Actually, I'm almost positive this is one that you will bookmark and come back to. That's because I'm going to share with you the simple steps and how to have a really hard conversation—a crucial conversation—steps that will help you think through what you will say before you say it, and tools that will change your marriage, change your family relationships, your work relationships, all for the better.
067 - Check In: Working One Day a Week
Back in Episode 041, I shared my plan to work one day a week this year, which was quite the change after I closed my business last year. This episode is simply a check-in to tell you how it's been going so far.
062 - Taking It One Day At a Time with Shunta Grant
Today I’m having a conversation with my friend, Shunta Grant, and oh is it good! We talk about how important it is to just to slow down and choose today.
055 - Book | Beginner's Pluck
It's time for my takeaways on the latest Nancy Ray Book Club book: Beginner's Pluck. Liz is hilarious and delightful and this book will inspire you to build a life of purpose and passion and impact!
051 - Book | When Less Becomes More
Here are my top three biggest takeaways from the book, When Less Becomes More by Emily Ley.
046 - Finishing Well with Olivia Suriano
Today, you get to hear a candid conversation with one of my dearest friends and former Nancy Ray Photography team member, Olivia Suriano, all about our last year in business and what it looks like to finish well.
044 - How to Track Your Time
I know you probably don't want another thing to do to add to your already busy life, but this might just give you the insight you need to see how you're actually spending your days and give you the courage to make the changes that you want to make.
043 - Book | You Are The Girl For The Job with Jess Connolly
Usually, when I release an episode about one of our Nancy Ray Book Club books, I give my top three takeaways from the book. I’m so excited to get to do this today, while also getting input from the author herself! I truly cannot wait for you to get to hear from Jess today—she has been such a blessing to me and to many.
042 - Book | Switch On Your Brain
Of all the books I read last year, this one is probably my favorite simply because it's full of scientific knowledge about the brain and how it works, which is something I really know nothing about, and how God designed us.