The Work & Play Podcast Episodes
041 - My Plan to Work One Day a Week
I'm going to tell you what I hope for my work to look like this year and then check back in with you in a few months and tell you how it's actually going and what I've learned so far.
040 - Living Intentionally in a Distracted World with Lara Casey Isaacson
Today I'm going to be chatting with my friend, Lara Casey Isaacson. We're going to be talking all about what it looks like to live intentionally in a distracted world and how setting goals can help us do just that.
039 - 5 Things to Include in Your Annual Goal Setting Routine
Whether you've already set all your goals, or maybe if goals are annoying to you and you never set them, I hope that you'll be able to take one little piece from this episode that will be helpful for your life as you look ahead to the brand new year in front of you.
038 - My Birthday Episode! Ask Me Anything
It's my birthday today! This is a fun episode where I'm answering questions from YOU, so listen in.
036 - Living a Content Life with Rachel Cruze
I am convinced that contentment is something we have to fight for and pay attention to. It's not something that comes naturally in our culture, when everywhere we look, we are hearing silent messages of you need this, you don't have enough, you have to buy this to be happy. Today, I’m so excited to be talking with Rachel Cruze all about this desperately needed topic!
034 - Follow Through: An End of Year Pep Talk
This year isn't over yet, and if we keep looking to the future and making plans and setting goals and dreaming about the next thing, we are going to miss the moments right in front of us. Today we are all going to take a pause and just remind ourselves to be present and enjoy the last days of this year to their fullest.
030 - Balancing Life as a Working Mom with Emily Ley
I am so excited to have Emily Ley on the podcast today! I think that what I love most about her is how much she values the little things, the moments in between, and finding that kind of balance between work and play and what that looks like.
029 - Book | The Coaching Habit
Today I'll be sharing my thoughts on The Coaching Habit, and a few ideas and practices that have really stuck with me since reading it.
028 - The 3 Priorities Exercise
The older I get, the more I'm discovering that the most life-changing things are actually quite simple, and that's true for the three priorities exercise. Whether you are a CEO of a large company or a stay-at-home mom, this exercise will give you clarity at the beginning of your day and fulfillment at the end of your day.
026 - My Favorite Business Book of All Time
My favorite business book of all time is comprehensive, yet extremely simple. It will show you how to grow and sustain a business of any size truly in a healthy and practical way. It addresses the six parts of any business in detail, vision, people, data, process, issues, and traction. The name of the book is Traction, by Gino Wickman.
025 - Work Hard, Sabbath Hard
I believe that work is good and it feels good to know that you've done a job well at the end of your day. But, I also love to rest. We all crave it. We need it regularly. But for some reason this Sabbath rest, this weekly rhythm of just stopping all work has been lost.
024 - 5 Ways to Become a Leader People Want to Follow
If you have influence, you are a leader, right where you are. If you can speak into someone else's life, if you are just a little more advanced than they are in some area, you are a leader. We all find ourselves in leadership positions at some point or another, but it's up to us to see ourselves as leaders and to grow as leaders.
022 - Hiring, Part II: Hiring the RIGHT Person and Keeping Them
Now, I'm not perfect by any stretch, but I decided way before ever building my team that I wanted to get one thing right: hiring. Today, I'm going to tell you everything that I've learned in my research and in my experience in hopes that you too can hire the right person the first time.
021 - Hiring, Part I: 5 Ways to Know You're Ready
I get the question all the time: How do you do it all? My answer every time is: I don't. I don't do it all. I ask for help. The next two weeks we're going to be talking all about hiring, but more than that: asking for help!
019 - The Top 3 Reasons I Built a Team
Choosing to build a team ended up being one of the best decisions I've ever made in my business, and today, I'm going to tell you why.
018 - Life as an Enneagram 3
My hope in being vulnerable here is that if you are an Enneagram Type Three, or if you have a type three in your life, maybe you'll find a new understanding about our type that will be helpful in some way or another.
016 - How to Lead a Team Meeting
The team meeting formula that we follow allows us to connect, to pay attention to the most important things that move our business forward, and they last no longer than 90 minutes. Today I'm going to share that team meeting formula with you.
011 - How to Lead a Plus Delta Exercise in 5 Steps
If you have ever looked for a team building exercise that's solid, that takes some vulnerability and honesty, that actually moves your team to personal improvement and team unity, the Plus Delta exercise is it.
010 - 5 Ways to Work Through Overwhelm
Today we're going to talk about five ways for you to work through that feeling of overwhelm that honestly overtakes us every once in a while and leaves us feeling so helpless.
009 - The Secret to Success in Business
You probably clicked on this wondering, “What in the world is the secret to success in business?” Well, I'm going to go ahead and tell you. In one word, it's service.