Welcome to the blog!
Routines, playlists, books, sweatshirts, motherhood and coffee….just over here sharing my favorites and my thoughts old school style on a blog.
PS. So glad you are here!
PPS. I’m way better at podcasting than blogging, as you’ll see.
July Goals 2019
You ready for the BEST EVER Fourth of July Playlist? I got you! I created this a few years back, and every year we put it on repeat and blast it. It’s VERY patriotic. We love our country and I get all emotional listening to it each year, thinking about the sacrifices made to get us where we are today. I hope it makes your 4th even better!
June Goals 2019
June!!! Summer. Peach stands. Halfway point. Weddings. Anniversary. Pool time. Watermelon. Sprinklers. Thunderstorms. Books. Naps. Podcasting. Running. Working. Resting. Playing.
We’re 6 days in, and I’m already so hot 😂.
20 Tips for Traveling with Kids
I’ve been traveling with our kids since they were babies and I’ve learned lots of tricks and tips along the way!
Nancy Ray Photography: Our Final Year of Business
Gosh I can’t believe I’m really typing this.
After 12 months of prayer, seeking God’s voice, and coming to experience abundant peace,
I’ve decided that it’s time to close the doors of Nancy Ray Photography.
April 2019 Goals
I’m just going to be real : if I didn’t have this monthly goal blogpost waiting for me, I don’t think I would have made any actual goals for the month of April. Life with three kids has dominated me lately!
My Favorite Parenting Tool
Get ready! This is a gamechanger. For you, the parent, as well as your kiddos!
It’s called “Mind Body Soul Time.”
A Challenge: Clear your iPhone Photos (& get organized!)
Say this with me:
My phone is not a photo storage device.
It is a PHONE.
Fun Friday: Jess Ray's new album
My current obsession: Jess Ray’s latest album.
I’m going to come clean right away:
Yes, this crazy talent is my husband’s little sister. Yes, she’s the auntie to my kiddos, she was a bridesmaid in my wedding, and she will forever be one of my very best friends (and favorite humans) in the world.
March Goals + Fun Friday: Podcasts I'm Loving
So, February feels like it was the fastest month of my life. Honestly, it was all a bit of a blur, and I’m still getting the hang of this mom-of-3 life. In short, it’s crazy. I’ve been a bit more brave, getting out of the house more and actually handling all 3 kids for preschool pick up and drop off by myself, which is nuts. (One day in the freezing rain. That was fun!)
Graham Cochrane: 3 Steps To Starting A Side Business When You’re Crazy Busy
Graham Cochrane is a YouTuber and Business Coach who helps people build passive income style businesses. Download his free 30 Day No Hustle Business Plan and go from zero audience to income in just 4 weeks.
Best Marriage Questions We Ask Every Week
A few years ago I heard about the Navigator’s Council - a tool created by a couple I follow and love: Jeremy and Audrey Roloff. In a nutshell, there are 6 questions they ask each other every single week, to stay in a place of healthy communication in their marriage.
Beaufort's Birth Story
I’m sitting here with Beaufort sound asleep on my chest, both girls are napping (insert victory dance here!! All 3 kids asleep at once!), and I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I’m about to write my THIRD child’s birth story. For so long I wasn’t ready to become a mama, it is purely God’s grace and goodness to me that I am one today. If you’re new around here, or if you just love birth stories, I’m including some links that will fill you in on my journey to becoming a mama to three. And then you’ll hear the crazy story of how Beaufort William came into our lives.
Fun Friday : Kiddo Favorites These Days
While I’m in the middle of the Contentment Challenge, I find that refraining from buying all the things makes me appreciate things that I REALLY love and want to own. It makes me super intentional and thoughtful with what I buy.
Paying off our NEW Home, Part 2
So what happened after we paid off our house the first time?
In the 5 years following us reaching Baby Step 7…
We saved a lot.
We gave a lot.
We lived a little more, and I’m so glad we did! (Because I can tell you one thing: it was HARD those first 5 years living on such a tight budget! We were ready to eat out a little more and take a few vacations!)
We also experienced life with a new lens: We became parents.
Section Styles sidebar
Hey, there! I’m Nancy.
My hope for this website (and my entire business, actually) is to be a resource that provides you with practical tools for an integrated life.
I’m so glad you’re here!