Welcome to the blog!

Routines, playlists, books, sweatshirts, motherhood and coffee….just over here sharing my favorites and my thoughts old school style on a blog.

PS. So glad you are here!
PPS. I’m way better at
podcasting than blogging, as you’ll see.

Work, Routines Nancy Ray Work, Routines Nancy Ray

Deep Work

Deep work, as Cal Newport defines it, is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's a skill that allows you to quickly master complicated information and produce better results in less time.

I wanted to share two things that were my biggest take-aways from this book, that will hopefully inspire you and help you as much as they did me.

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Home, Personal Nancy Ray Home, Personal Nancy Ray

Introducing Fun Fridays

I’m pretty excited about this little idea. I’m looking at Fridays on this blog as a free pass - I get to talk about whatever little tip, tutorial, product, or life hack that I want! I know, I know, I plan the rest of this blog out, too. But Fridays are gonna be different, spontaneous, and maybe a little unexpected.

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Work, Faith, Contentment Nancy Ray Work, Faith, Contentment Nancy Ray

Goals + Contentment Challenge

I’ve never started off a year like this before!

Around the clock nursing, exhausted, learning the rhythms of being a mama of a newborn and a 1.5 year old and a 3 year old… I have to say, it is not the norm for me but it feels SO good.

My norm on January 1st? Putting away all Christmas decor, decluttering, dreaming up my wildest and best work goals, eating black eyed peas and collards, going on a run, feeling fresh and ready to GO.

Today? Being. Just being mama. Napping. Resting. Yes, dreaming. But mostly eating as much as I want (still eating black eyed peas and collards!), nursing a hungry baby, watching Milly and Lyndon play / wrestle each other, and being HOME.

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Home, Motherhood Nancy Ray Home, Motherhood Nancy Ray


Today, I turn 32!

I LOVE birthdays, and I love parties and celebrations and decorating and cakes and all the birthday things. I am not one of those “low key” kind of people when it comes to birthdays - I like to celebrate every year of life BIG. I don’t mind aging at all… I see it as part of life and want to age gracefully. So the more candles, the better!

But this year, it’s quiet. And I’m LOVING it.

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Faith, Work Nancy Ray Faith, Work Nancy Ray

Nancy Ray Book Club: What's Coming

The Nancy Ray Book Club has been something I have LOVED hosting, and every year I aim to change it up a bit and improve it. In 2019, I’ve decided to keep it simple. I’m pretty excited about what’s to come!

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Work, Personal, Routines Nancy Ray Work, Personal, Routines Nancy Ray

My Goal Setting Ritual

Every year in December, I plan a time to get away, pray over the following year, and set goals. Some years I have super clarity on what I want to do, and other years I’m confused and don’t know where to start. BUT, when I follow this plan, I always walk away with more clarity than if I hadn’t done anything at all.

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Home, Personal Nancy Ray Home, Personal Nancy Ray

December Goals

Since 2011, I have been blogging my monthly goals over on the Nancy Ray Photography blog EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. I can honestly say I don’t think I missed a month since I began! There is something powerful about sharing your monthly goals, because it keeps you accountable.

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Faith, Work, Home Nancy Ray Faith, Work, Home Nancy Ray

Top 5 Books of 2018

Every year I endeavor to read 12 books - 1 book a month. I’m not the fastest or best reader, and with two little ones it’s definitely a challenge to read! But it’s always, always worth it! After reading 10 books this year (I don’t think I’ll make it to my 11th or 12th with this baby), I’ve come away with my Top 5… and they are GOOD.

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Faith, Work Nancy Ray Faith, Work Nancy Ray

My work, my ministry

I am always humbled and amazed at the amount of emails I receive that go a little something like this:

Nancy, I have a passion and love for photography, but I don't know how to incorporate my faith into my business. I desire to honor the Lord in all that I do, but I don't know how to be a business owner and a Christian without being too preachy. How you translate your faith practically into your business?

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Hey, there! I’m Nancy.

My hope for this website (and my entire business, actually) is to be a resource that provides you with practical tools for an integrated life.

I’m so glad you’re here!